Thursday, February 5, 2009

Today's English word, Chinese questions

你们好,今天你们好吗?我很好。The English word for today is consequence - a result;effect 2. importance - take the consequences to accept the result of one's actions. I know the word for no is 不 but what is the word for yes? and what would be the proper way or the best way to say excuse me, and is there a difference if I was put it in a sentence like( excuse me please let ask or excuse me may I ask). and since I only know a few words can someone give me a new word?

and just for fun I have a tongue twister for everyone I learn from a good friend.



  1. Hi,Fred.

    1. 你是一个好学生(nǐ shì yī gè hǎo xué shēng
    .means: You are a good student). For you update everyday.

    2. And you can say "大家好"(dà jiā hǎo. means: Hey,yall) next day.

    3. YES is "是"(shì). "是" is the antonym of "不".And the funny thing is, you can put "不" in front of every adjective/verb/adverb to descript the antonym of the word itself. And it means un..., dis..., not..., don't...

    for example:

    干净 (gānjìng) means: clean
    不干净 means: dirty or not clean

    好 means:good
    不好 means:bad or not good

    知道(zhī dào) means: know
    不知道 means: unknow

    喜欢(xǐ huan) means: like
    不喜欢 means: dislike

    and so on...

    4. excuse me - 不好意思(bù hǎo yì sī) or 抱歉(bào qiàn)

    5. may I ask /please let ask - 请问(qǐng wèn)...

    Carry on.

  2. 谢谢Mona,非常感谢,so if I said 抱歉,请问你为说英问吗。 would I be correct? and if I am wrong I was trying to say excuse me,may I ask can you speak English.

  3. I think you'd better say 不好意思,请问你会说英语吗?

    When you did some wrong,you can apologize for someone with 抱歉. But if you just want to ask a question, you'd better use 不好意思. Caz you are not doing any wrong with just asking a question.

    不好意思 < 抱歉 < 对不起


    write or read 英文
    speak 英语

    英文 means the charactor/letter of English
    英语 means the language of English

  4. That's right .you are great ..
    英文 means the charactor/letter of English
    英语 means the language of English

    what Mona has said is really useful...

  5. I am in shenzhen now ..welcome my friends!
